Growing up ‘Guy Doll’s daughter”’ was a privilege and a challenge. Not a sobriquet for the faint hearted...we learned to strive, thrive, and survive a legacy lived.
With ‘living on the edge’ modeled and endorsed, we had the courage and support to do what we dared, with what we had, where we were; and be ready for either a badge or a band aide...at least we tried.
This book attempts to capture the essence of the man in a few of his succinct directives.
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My Mom Said… (and perhaps we should have listened?)
This is a verbal snapshot of my mother and her words of wisdom. Read and reflect on your mother and remember some salient words from which you learned; or didn’t!
Throughout my life I find myself responding to circumstances or questions with, “My Mother said…” and having so apt a quote at my fingertips to diffuse, clarify, or confound as to boggle even my mind. Once I called her to puzzle; “Mom, I sit here in my office surrounded by degrees costing more to frame than all of your formal education. Yet, I open my mouth and you speak!”
“So what do you want me to do, pay for ‘em?” Never at a loss.
Finally my daughter and I made a daily calendar of her sayings. MY MOM SAID… sits on my desk, where the morning ritual is to flip the page to see how mom wants me to launch my day. Today it was “Be realistic, plan a miracle….” So I began to write.
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"It's about shifting gears. If you have spent much of your life in the sedentary mode, the idea of fitness may be not only aliean, but downright repugnent. It is to me sometimes, and it has pretty much been my lifestyle. Fitness is work... but there are four great reasons to address those gears and shift into a healthier lifestyle. One, you'll feel better. Two, you'll look better. Three, you'll live longer and four; you'll live better for whatever years you have left"
- taken from the chapter Four on the Floor... by Elaine Doll-Dunn.
"Think about that. You may have to orchestrate your own cheerleading squad, but the mind doesn't know the difference between a real and imagined event, so fool yourself into fitness. Picture yourself where you want to be physically. Expunge negative "I Can't" from your head... We are what we think we are, we are the problem and the solution, and we can do more than we think we can..."
- taken from the chapter Fourteen Equals a Forte Night... by Elaine Doll-Dunn.
Email Elaine for details on ordering |
"My license plate says FT HPNZ. I've had various responses to it; "Fifth place in New Zealand?" "Faith Happens?" "Fat Harpoonz?" None of the above. It stands for "Fit Hapens." A message to get up and get going. Well, yes, and a subliminal reference to a curretn saying not so genteel, but it does get your attention."
- taken from the chapter The Starting Line... by Elaine Doll-Dunn.
"I'm not a gifted runner, but I have now completed 113 marathons, That's not the epitome of greatness, but it's what I wanted to do, and I did it. Forget excuses, ignore nay-sayers, listen to your heart, and trust your desires. Dreams are for having."
- taken from the chapter
Q is for Quintessential... by Elaine Doll-Dunn.
Email Elaine for details on ordering |
run for a tapestry of reasons. Woven in the fabric of my being is a need to control some facet of my life. To subjugate a truculent body to my will, to prove myself every day against a latent temptation/desire to sleep in, over-eat; succumb to the rigors of aging."
- taken from the chapter I'm Hooked! from Running On... by Elaine Doll-Dunn.
Email Elaine for details on ordering |
now invite you to join me on a whimsical "re-run" of
the year's miles. Each marathon has its own personality, much
as do our children, and I'd like you to meet them. Join me at
the starting line of the year two-thousand. Double tie your shoes,
check your race number, and carry at least three PowerGels. Its
gonna be a looonnnngggg run."
- taken from the Preface to Gotta Run... by Elaine Doll-Dunn.
I heard you speak at the "Women Hold Up Half the Sky" Conference in Cerritos, CA. My friend and I were selling things at the back of the room as a fundraiser for our Team in Training marathon. You were very inspiring - you made me laugh and made me cry. How great is that? I purchased your book at the conference and absolutely love it and would like to order ten copies of your book for my other Team in Training friends and my running partners. They all would like it too, and I'm certain will find it as inspiring as I did. - Anne Marshall
Email Elaine for details on ordering |
To book Elaine for a speaking
engagement: edoll@rushmore.com