Height, History and Haggis... Hiking the Highlands The sun sparkled loch a thousand feet below lapped gently at the shore…stark contrast to the glacier carved rocky outcropping where I clung, high up in the Cuillin Mountains. I looked up from the breath-taking vista to the big Scot leaning down to me, long arm outstretched. Before I released my death grip on the solid slab of sedimentary, however, I quavered, “Iain, did you love your mother?” Blue, blue laughing eyes twinkling in a bearded leather face…he grinned; “Aye, lass, I loved my mother, give me your hand.” And I was up and over to the next impossible boulder. Acrophobia is such a cross. Read the full article...
My friend, Lee died a month ago…89 years old. She was an exemplary potter and started many fine arts activities in Spearfish. This note and picture went to her daughters. It's All Greek To Me... Hopa!
Measured footfall, rhythmic breath; a distant bird serenading the golden coast…my running companion spoke quietly. “Wow! Just think, when Pheidippides ran, this is what he heard, nothing but his breathing, the birds, and sandals on the sand.” It was true, the roads were closed to traffic, we were in a space of runners fore and aft…it was eerily wonderful. FT HPNZ My license plate says
FT HPNZ. Ive had various responses to it; Fifth place
in New Zealand? Faith happens? Fat harpoonz?
None of the above. It stands for Fit Happens! An oblique
message to myself as well as others, and a clever reference
to another current saying not quite so nice. However, it isnt
true. Fit doesnt just happen, it takes work. A lotta work. Concerted
effort, planned program, honest commitment. Alphabet of Fitness A
is for Attitude - B is for Benefits - C is for Commitment - D is for Distance - E is for Endorphins Fitness by the Numbers Power of 1 - 2 is Company - Three's a Crowd - 4 on the Floor - Take 5 Milli on Movement Milli & Me - More on Milli - Re-cycle - Walkin' the Talk - Requiem for a Race Other articles by Elaine Doll-Dunn |
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